Who is Cool Mama's?

About Us:

We are a family-owned and operated business. Our president and primary shareholder is a female.

We are based in Battle Creek, Michigan and will travel regionally to offer our unique experience with quality products.

Our motto is to be fun-spirited, nice to everyone and encourage living by the golden rule everyday.

Cool Mama's is flexible, dependable, creative and we offer quality products produced by Good Humor, Prairie Farms and Breyers. See "Products" for a listing!

One thing we are not is ordinary, Including Cool Mama's means a "delightful experience." For decades, people thought an ice cream truck was yellow, "Pop Goes the Weasel", and a male driver. Welcome to the 21st Century! Wake up, we play groovy music, we drive a WHITE van with life messages, and we are an equal opportunity employer - we have a woman with a sense of humor driving!! It's time to bring an ice cream experience from this century to your door!